Dear community. As we venture into 22Q4, our upcoming roadmap demands extreme attention to detail.

20 Sep 2022, 06:52
Dear community! As we venture into 22Q4, our upcoming roadmap demands extreme attention to detail. This means to conclude an exceptional year with the conversations we started since Davos 22 we will devote an extreme workload. Due to our limited resources, this comes as a trade off for other also important areas. It is for this reason, we need your help more than ever. You see, in the past I concluded Mechatronics engineering, complemented with Monetary Economic Policy by the Chicago boys as well as Technology economics management at ETH, complemented by Climate change tech & policies at Ecole Polytechnique Paris, Blockchain foundations at Oxford as well as an introductory course into Financial market law at Liechtenstein Uni. But nothing has developed as much of my understanding for the need of leadership skills as CurioDAO has done. So why am telling you all this? It has become clear, anonymous potential members of our community lack understanding of our ecosystem and therefore feel entitled to bullying our team across social media. I condemn such behavior. Moreover, a handful of detractors jeopardize the progress our ecosystem has achieved by blasting across media strictly confidential information not for public release - without context. This can be genuinely misleading while they risk putting themselves in a risky situation. I know we can do better. Even better, I know we can help them despite our lack of resources. With your help. Here is the proposed solution: The really is that there are so many comments and feedback messages, a better way to screen all this input ought to be available. However, the best part is that we have built it. Going forward, for 22Q4, we will not entertain any complain demanding feedback from team originated by a detractor member of the community without first answering the following two question: Are you a member of CurioDAO? And most importantly, have you originated a proposal via it’s governance module? When not, the goal shall be to channel these potential members to the governance protocol. Hence I invite you to support us by reminding these individuals about these two temporary measures. It’s clear, detractors are loud. But we can create incentives to channel their energy in a way they bring us forward. The upside is they can also become promoters. If only they would understand how to channel their feedback. For once. Many thanks again for your support!